Code snippets about algorithms that deal with strings (searches, reverses, etc.): |
Function StrFix(s As String) _ As String
' The StrFix function converts a ' string argument to all uppercase ' letters and removes any leading ' or trailing blanks. This ensures ' reliable comparisons between strings ' in the program. StrFix = UCase(Trim(s)) End Function ' StrFix |
Function FixName(first As String, last As String) _ As String ' The FixName function returns a name string ' in the standard format LASTNAME FIRSTNAME. FixName = StrFix(last) & " " & StrFix(first) End Function ' FixName
Dim NameList() As String ` NameList is a list of names initialised elsewhere Private Function SearchList(findName As String) _ As Long ' The SearchList function performs a binary ' search on the alphabetized name list and ' looks for the first instance of the target ' name represented by the argument findName. Dim pos1 As Long, pos2 As Long Dim posX As Long, midPos As Long Dim listLength As Integer ` listLength contains the length of NameList listLength = Len(NameList) ' Initialize the markers in the list. pos1 = 1 pos2 = listLength posX = 0 ' Divide the list in half and focus ' the search on the half that will contain ' the target name if it exists. Continue ' this process until the name is found or ' the entire list has been searched. Do While pos1 <= pos2 And posX = 0 midPos = (pos1 + pos2) / 2 If findName = NameList(midPos) Then posX = midPos ElseIf findName > NameList(midPos) Then pos1 = midPos + 1 Else pos2 = midPos - 1 End If Loop ' If the name has been found, then ' check to see if there are any other ' instances of the same name higher ' in the list. If posX > 1 Then Do While NameList(posX) _ = NameList(posX - 1) posX = posX - 1 Loop End If ' Return the index number of the ' first instance of the name in the list. SearchForName = posX End Function ' SearchForName |
Dim NameList() As String ` NameList is a list of names initialised elsewhere Private Sub SortList()
' The SortList procedure alphabetizes (sorts in alphabetical order) ' a list of name entries. Dim i, j Dim temp As String Dim listLength As Integer ` listLength contains the length of NameList listLength = Len(NameList) ' Compare each record with each of ' the records below it. For i = 1 To listLength - 1 For j = i + 1 To listLength ' Check to see whether two records ' are currently out of order. If NameList(i) > _ NameList(j) Then ' If they are, swap their positions ' in the list. temp = NameList(i) NameList(i) = NameList(j) NameList(j) = temp End If Next j Next i End Sub ' SortList |
Private Function YesNo(which As Boolean) As String
' The YesNo function converts a Boolean value ' into a string value of "Yes" or "No." If which Then YesNo = "Yes" Else YesNo = "No" End If End Function ' YesNo |